Tiny Simpsons smartwatch TV Gadget

A tiny little TV that plays episodes of The Simpsons. This project is based on the excellent original by Brandon Withrow. The main difference is that instead of a Raspberry Pi Zero, the guts of this TV comprise an LG G Watch smartwatch. This watch was released in 2014 and it runs Android 6.

Demo video:

Video playback is achieved with a custom watchface app. When the screen is tapped, the app plays a single randomly chosen video to the end and then goes to sleep.

As you might imagine, a smartwatch from 2014 doesn’t have a whole lot of CPU headroom for video playback, so we need to take some steps to get a reasonable framerate.

First, all videos are transcoded to vp9 at a 280x210 resolution and rotated to match the screen size and orientation (see tools/encode_two_pass.sh). We then use the ExoPlayer library to decode video directly to the watchface surface to make use of hardware acceleration.

While the device itself doesn’t have a speaker, the watch can stream audio to a nearby Bluetooth speaker.

Main parts of the repository:
